It takes immense Pleasure to introduce ourselves as one of Leading Supplier and Service Provider for Fire / Safety & Traffic Equipment’s. We have Expertise Knowledge of more Than a decade in Field of Fire and Safety.
We in ISP provide solutions to Industrial establishments in dealing with the requirements of work place hazards that are generated by Industrial Machinery and environment around it.
Our Core Business has long been the Distribution and Manufacturing of Safety Products and Signage’s. Today, we are increasingly focused on the rising demand for Safety Services. The requirement to assess the likelihood of an injury in the work place can be a very complex task even though there are volumes of Safety Standards available. If your facility wants to have the resources that are required to fully understand risk assessment and implement risk reduction measures International Safety Products can provide you with the Right Solutions. We will guide you down a Path that will reduce your Corporate Risk to what should be considered a Tolerable level.

To Manufacture State of Art Safety Equipments that workers want to Wear, We in ISP strive to help companies increase Safety Compliance and Improve the Overall welfare of their Employees – Which in Turn, Helps companies reduce the High costs Associated with Human Life.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Many companies are under the misconception that their workplaces insurance system is more than enough to cover accident costs. What most companies fail to realize is that the costs may exceed, by far, the costs covered by their workplace insurance system.
These costs include:
- Lost Production Time
- Production Delays
- Fines or Legal Proceeding
- Corporate Reputation
- Loss of Contracts
- Legal Costs
- Property Damage
- Administrative Time
Absorption of these costs is an unnecessary expense, which if left uncontrolled can have a dramatic effect on corporate profits. By taking a proactive approach to health and safety, companies are avoiding this worthless expenditure and enhancing company profitability with voluntary health and safety programme. We provide our consulting expertise, maintenance services and products to each customer’s requirements. And our steadfast commitment to reducing injuries in industrial facilities will help your company to make employee safety a reality.
Safety Does Matter!